
Greenmeadow Primary School

Empowering Young Minds for Tomorrow


Newsletter from C Moses

6th April 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

Prior to Easter, I wanted to touch base with you all to make you aware of a few matters to assist you during the current COVID – 19 crisis.

Information for those eligible for free school meals

Torfaen are changing the way they provide free school meals to those who are eligible.  From 6th April, Torfaen will credit the parents/carers bank account with the equivalent amount for the cost of your child’s free school meal.  The first payment will be for a fortnight and then monies will be paid on a weekly basis.  Everyone claiming Free School Meals will need to register for Free School Meal Payments (during the Coronavirus pandemic) in order to receive this payment.

We are also aware that family financial circumstances may have changed in the last two weeks.  The best way to check entitlement if your circumstances have changed is to email or phone the benefits team on 01495 742291.  We have been assured this will be dealt with very quickly.

Remote Learning

Over the past two weeks we have been operating our remote learning programme. Daily Maths and Literacy tasks are being set on Dojo for the infant children and on google classroom for the juniors. Topic planning is on the website on class pages too. It has been a pleasure to see all the fantastic work that the children have been doing and thanks to you for supporting this.

During the Easter break we shall not be setting work Saturday 4th April through to Sunday 19th April inclusive.  As a school our staff are part of the national mission of ‘repurposing schools’ and contributing to a child care hub at a local primary school in Cwmbran.

For those children who wish to continue with their learning they should catch up on any missed work, consolidate what they have learnt and do lots of reading! Story Time with Greenmeadow staff will happen occasionally throughout the Easter holidays so please take a look at Dojo.

As a school, our immediate focus is the wellbeing of parents / carer and their children.  Please ensure your family gets the right balance of exercise, spending time with each other, rest and learning.  The most important thing is that families support each other through this difficult time.  Focus on connecting with each other, and above all, keep safe.

Any emergencies or concerns, please email myself as I will be checking emails daily. Many thanks for your continued support particularly so at this very challenging time.


Best wishes,

Claire Moses

