
Greenmeadow Primary School

Empowering Young Minds for Tomorrow


Headteacher's Welcome


We hope you find everything you need on our school website and that it gives you a flavour of the exciting experiences we provide the children.

We strive to create an effective and happy learning environment for all children here at Greenmeadow and ensure that we provide an education which enables children to do the best they possibly can.         

We pride ourselves on our caring ethos and the broad, balanced and full curriculum we provide.  Our motto ‘Inspire, Achieve, Dream, Succeed’ portrays the importance learning has for all members of our school community.   

We place great emphasis on developing a strong partnership between home and school and encourage our families to help us work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support to provide the best for all our children.                             

I am incredibly proud to be the Headteacher of Greenmeadow Primary School. Both myself and staff are committed to ensuring pupils are happy, enriched and fulfil their potential.                                                 

If you have any queries about our school please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,                                                                                                                                                     

Claire Moses 

