
Greenmeadow Primary School

Inspire, Achieve, Dream, Succeed


Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders 2021-2022

A Digital Leader is a pupil who is part of a Digital Leaders Team within a school, whose role it is to support the use and to further the development of ICT in school.


Pupils are given training and support to develop specific areas of ICT expertise. Once a pupil gains an area of expertise, staff may then request the use of the Digital Leader for a variety of different roles.


Typically, things that may be performed by a Digital Leader could be:

  • Test and review new ICT resources, which could be websites, software or hardware.
  • Share their skills and expertise with other pupils, classes and teachers.
  • Set up ICT equipment in classrooms for teachers.
  • Support teachers in using ICT in the classroom.
  • Create how-to video help guides.